Sauce Bar Live Resin Verified

Live and direct From the Sauce source we are proud here at Chronic Buddha at our latest drop. The New Sauce Bar Live Resin Vape Pens. I have been personally waiting for them to hit the Buddha office. Sauce bars in general has really become very popular and pretty much everywhere I go they all seem to be vaping on a Sauce Bar essential and honestly, I can understand why. The battery itself works properly with very little issues to be had and the flavor and taste on pretty much all the flavors is spot on and smooth followed by that high that Hits every time. So, it’s no wonder many have been excited at the prospect of a new sauce bar but this time with that live resin appeal.
These new Live Resin sauce Bars come in many flavors such as Vanilla frosting, Sunset Sherbert, Og chem, Slurricane, Northern lights, and Biscotti and all made with the finest, highest quality Live Resin. The smoothness of the hit was the first thing I noticed, and it impressed me. I can taste the difference, and these are going to be my new favorites for sure. It’s an immediate hit that seems to last longer with more of a punch. The Sauce Bars were always essential but these Live Resin sauce bars might essentially take the cake. These also have the same Authentic Verifiable Security Code as the original Sauce Bars which are just as easy to authenticate. We carry the Real Deal, Always.